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Happy new year - 9.1 is ready

Happy new year - 9.1 is ready

The Qlustar team wishes you all the best for the new year. In addition we try to make sure, that you'll have a great start now that you're back at work: With Qlustar 9.1 being ready for download.

Qlustar 9.1 is a major feature release of the 9.x series. We've put in a huge effort to make it a rock-solid basis for your clustering efforts. It's packed with the very best and most recent HPC software available. Adding the new QluMan 2.1 features on top of this, makes Qlustar a Cluster OS, that is hard to match in ease-of-use, quality and features by any competing product. A number of production clusters are running Qlustar 9.1 already since a couple of months, so you can rest assured, that it is well tested.

Qlustar 9.1 is still based on Ubuntu/Trusty (14.04). Highlights among the various major component updates are the brand-new Slurm 15.8.5, OpenMPI 1.8.8, ZFS 0.6.5, OFED 3.18-1, Lustre 2.8 and CUDA 7.5. Get more details in the release notes.

Together with the 9.1 release, we also fully migrated the Qlustar docs to the new format on the Qlustar documentation website. Furthermore, for those of you, who didn't notice yet by themselves: There is an all-new set of introduction pages that detail Qlustar's capabilities and features.

Note that starting with Qlustar 9.1, we somewhat adjust our release policy: In the future, we'll add new cluster technologies or new releases of existing ones within the same Qlustar version. They will be integrated as so-called feature packs. The forthcoming VStack (cloud technologies) and additional components of the Data Stack will be the first such add-ons. The new policy allows to have individual releases within the various Qlustar stacks on the basis of the stable Qlustar Cluster OS and hence leads to shorter release cycles of such components without sacrificing stability or quality.

Finally, be prepared for a number of exciting news concerning Qlustar in 2016. Happy clustering!