The Qlustar team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Qlustar 10.0 for download. This release starts a new era for Qlustar, since it marks the beginning of its 100% Open Source future. It ships version 10.0 of the management software QluMan, which is absolutely free in any sense now, as it is being licensed under the GNU Affero public license. The QluMan messaging framework QluNet has been put under the GNU Lesser Public license.
Along with the licensing changes, we also shut down our support forum in favor of a new standard mailing list. Unless you have a dedicated support contract, please post your issues there.
As you expect, Qlustar 10 brings you the very best and most recent HPC software available. Many production clusters are successfully running it for a while already, so you can fully rely on its maturity and stability.
On the feature side, we introduce workstation management as a whole new use-case for Qlustar. Based on the XFCE desktop environment, you can now manage workstations as easy as cluster nodes.
The highlight of QluMan 10.0 is a powerful and flexible new network management interface. Under the hood, QluMan's messaging framework QluNet was revamped to use Google’s Protocol Buffers as the data exchange format for QluMan messages. Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format and provide a strong foundation for QluMan's future.
As a result of Q-Leap development on hardware sponsored by Intel, Qlustar 10 introduces out-of-the-box support for OmniPath. All components necessary to setup and operate an OmniPath network including the fabric manager are available as Qlustar packages.
Qlustar 10 is a major release based on Ubuntu/Xenial (16.04). Highlights among the various major component updates include Kernel 4.9.x Slurm 17.02.7, CUDA 9.0 and BeeGFS 6.18, Lustre 2.10.3 and ZFS 0.7.5. Please read the release notes for more details.