[QSA-0413221] Linux kernel vulnerabilities

Qlustar Security Advisory 0413221

April 13th, 2022


The system could crash or be made to run programs as an administrator.

Package(s)       : linux-image-ql-generic,
Qlustar releases : 11.0, 12.0
Affected versions: All versions prior to this update
Vulnerability    : privilege escalation/denial of service
Problem type     : local
Qlustar-specific : no
CVE Id(s)        : Not documented

A number of vulnerabilities and bugs have been discovered in the 5.4.x Linux kernel series since the last Qlustar 12.0 release based on 5.4.180. They may lead to a denial of service or privilege escalation. Please check the following web pages that contain details of the fixes in each release after 5.4.180 up to the current Qlustar kernel 5.4.188:

Linux kernel 5.4.188
Linux kernel 5.4.187
Linux kernel 5.4.186
Linux kernel 5.4.185
Linux kernel 5.4.184
Linux kernel 5.4.183
Linux kernel 5.4.182
Linux kernel 5.4.181

A number of vulnerabilities and bugs have been discovered in the 4.19.x Linux kernel series since the last Qlustar 11.0 release based on 4.19.229. They may lead to a denial of service or privilege escalation. Please check the following web pages that contain details of the fixes in each release after 4.19.229 up to the current Qlustar kernel 4.19.237:

Linux kernel 4.19.237
Linux kernel 4.19.236
Linux kernel 4.19.235
Linux kernel 4.19.234
Linux kernel 4.19.233
Linux kernel 4.19.232
Linux kernel 4.19.231
Linux kernel 4.19.230

Update instructions:

The problem can be corrected by updating your system to the following or more recent package versions:

For Qlustar 12.0

linux-image-ql-generic                     5.4.188-ql-generic-12.0-16

For Qlustar 11.0

linux-image-ql-generic                     4.19.237-ql-generic-11.0-30

Special Update instructions:

In addition to the steps described in the general Qlustar Update Instructions these updates require the following:

  • On Qlustar 12: Also write the dnsmasq config with QluMan before rebooting. If your cluster was installed with a release earlier than you will have to generate new LDAP certificates at some point since the earlier ones were generated with a 1 year validity. Now they are generated with an unlimited validity. To check the expiration date execute
    # openssl x509 -dates -in /etc/ssl/certs/qlustar-ca-cert.pem | grep notAfter

    To regenerate the certificate with unlimited validity execute

    # qluman-ldap-cli --update-certs

    before rebooting the whole cluster.

  • On Qlustar 11: Also perform the manual steps ‘7. Migration to GRUB PXE booting’ and ‘11. Adjust root bash shell initialization’ as described in the Release Notes if you haven’t done so yet.